
Solo exhibitions

Artist of the Month, Series of exhibition by the Artists Association of Lapland, Cafe Korundi, 2024

National Landscape, with Tommi Yläjoki and Johannes Pekonen, Studio Mustanapa, 2024

New Image of String Art, with Elina Härkönen, Gallery Seinä, 2021

Reindeer Husbandry in the Arctic – a Landscape of Conflict, Aine Art Museum, Tornio, Finland, 2015

Mond, Sonne und Regenbogen, Korundin kahvio, Rovaniemi, 2013 

Alpenglühen, with Antti Stöckell and Cristian Rupp, Studio Mustanapa, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2013 

Lahonneet ja lakastuneet, with Hanna Kanto and Liisa Karintaus, Gallery G12, Kuopio, Finland, 2012

Muukalaisvaeltaja, Arktikum, Rovaniemi, 2012

Kesämyrsky, with Piia Juntunen, Hilpeä Krouvi, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2011

Marjamatkat, Arktikum, Rovaniemi, 2011

Jouten kuutamossa ja saksankielisten tähtien alla, with Markku Heikkilä, Lapponica, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2011

Taite, with Piia Juntunen, Voima, Kemi, Finland, 2011

Neljä lautasta, kuppi ja vuori, with Vigdis Haugtrø, Napa, Rovaniemi, 2010

Fragile, Valo Gallery (University of Lapland), Rovaniemi, Finland, 2009

Silmukassa,with Liisa Karintauks, Galleria 5, Oulu, Finland, 2009

Säteet myöhäiseen iltaan, with Piia Juntunen, Valo Gallery, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2008

Imaginary Bloodline, Kajo Gallery, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2007

Ceiling, Floor and Three Walls, with Liisa Karintaus and Tiia Lepistö, Napa Gallery, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2006

Pintoja ja sisälmyksiä, Kajo Galleria, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2003

Group exhibitions

Observations of Change, 2025 Adde Zetterquist art gallery, Røkland, Norja (forthcoming)

Aihkin kanssa, Kemin taidemuseo, 2026 (tulossa)

Kirjotut kannat, Kirjotut kannat -kollektiivi, Galleria Valo, Rovaniemi, 2025 (tulossa)

Lapin taiteilijaseuran Hallaa-näyttely, Särestöniemi-museo, 2024

Kirjotut kannat, Kirjotut kannat -kollektiivi, Suomen käsityön museo, Jyväskylä, 2024

Kaivossuunnitelman varjoissa, Art Äkäslompolon näyttely, Galleria Kellokas, Äkäslompolo, 2023

Arktista politiikka käsityönä, Patterns Collective, Galleria Lovisa, Rovaniemi, 2019

In Nature (ISEAS taiteilijasymposium), Galleria Fokus, Karjaa, 2019           

Konkarit. Exhibition by the Artists Association of Lapland, Gallery Napa, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2015

Hallaa, Artists Association of Lapland, Kemi Art Museum, Finland, 2014

Luosto Art December, with five other artists, Hotel Luostotunturi, Luosto, Finland, 2013

Mind the Gap, ryhmänäyttely, Galleria Flat1, Wien, Itävalta, 2013 

I live on the Arctic Circle. Exhibition by the Artists Association of Lapland. The Gallery of Latvian Artists´ Union, Riga, Latvia, 2012

I live on the Arctic Circle. Exhibition by the Artists Association of Lapland. Haus Galerii, Tallinn, Estonia, 2012

Napapaita, Exhibition by the Artists Association of Lapland, Gallery Valo, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2012

Forest Talks to Us, Gallery Kellokas, 2021

Hallaa, Exhibition by the Artists Association of Lapland, Skierri, Enontekiö, Finland, 2010

Selected joint exhibitions

Mäntän äärellä, curated by Krister Gråhn , Mänttä, 2023

The voices and faces of participants in socially engaged arts projects, curated by Raphael Vella, Galleria Valo, Rovaniemi , 2022

Juuret, kuratoinut Elisa Alaluusua, Galleria Valo, 2022

Counter Cartographies: Living in the Land, kuratointu Francesca DuBrock, Anchorage musem, Alaska, 2021-2022

III Sirkka Art Biennale, Curated by Misha del Val, 2021

Relate North 2021 Everyday Extremes, Tomsk State University Venäjä , 2021

Documents of Socially Engaged Art, curated by Raphael Vella, Malta, 2021

Whiping of the ice cream from your face, Curated by Misha del Val, Galleria Valo, 2021

Saimaan taideluola, curated by Satu Kalliokuusi, Punkaharju, 2021

II Sirkka Art Biennale, curated by Misha del Val, Kotigalleria, Sirkka, 2019

Fringe, curated by Ásthildur Björg Jónsdóttir, Ekaterina Sharova and Maria Huhmarniemi, Galleria Valo, Rovaniemi, 2019

Luonto sovellutuksia, curated by Hanna Kress, Kakslauttanen, Art Gallery, Saariselkä, Finland, 2019

Kuollutta lihaa, curated by Jyrki Siukonen, Galleria Valo, Rovaniemi, 2019

Kaikuja pohjoisesta, curated by Hanna Kress, Kakslauttanen Art Gallery, Saariselkä, 2018

North Wind, curators team, Gallery Valo, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2018

Dark Days / White Nights, curated by Miia Rinne and Minna Suoniemi, beta SPACE, Helsinki, Finland, 2018

Reflections, Gallery Hämärä, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2018

Shared Wollen Sceneries (5th conference of art based research & artistic research), Tate Liverpool, England, 2018

Ystävällisesti teidän, curated by Henna Harri, Gallery Valo, Arktikum, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2017

Interwoven, curated by Ásthildur Björg Jónsdóttir, Nordic House, Reykjavik, Island, 2017

Interwoven, curated by Ásthildur Björg Jónsdóttir, Studio Mustanapa, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2017

From Forest lands, Moors and Glaciers - Timo Jokela 60 years, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2016

Angle of Incidence, Willem II Factory, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Holland, 2014

Ääripäitä ja vastakohtia, curated by Sampo Linkoneva, Ivalo church, Ivalo, Finland, 2013

Cultural Encounters, curated by Timo Jokela, Valo Galleria, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2014                     

PolArt2K, Kemi Art Museum, Kemi, Finland, 2012

The Snowball Effect. The North FI Biennial, curated by Marketta Haila, Oulu University Gallery, Oulu, Finland, 2012

The Snowball Effect. The North FI Biennial, curated by Marketta Haila, Oulu Art Museum, Oulu, Finland, 2012

Valon tuleminen. Faculty of Art and Design in the University of Lapland, curated by Jyrki Siukonen, Valo Gallery, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2012

Halikonlahti Green Art, curated by Tuula Nikulainen and Ulla Taipale, Salo Art Museum Veturitalli, Salo, Finland 2011

Lappia! Curated by Pirkko Siitari and Anna-Riikka Hirvonen, Kemi Art Museum, Kemi, Finland, 2011

SilvrettAteljee 2010, curated by Roland Haas, Palais Liechtenstein, Feldkirch, Austria, 2011

Nyt, the Artists Association of Lapland 20 years anniversary exhibition, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland, 2010

Mennyttä ja tulevaa, 20 years anniversary exhibtion of the Faculty of Art and Design in the University of Lapland, curated by Juhani Tuominen, 2010

Nyt, the Artists Association of Lapland 20 years anniversary exhibition, curated by Svein Pedersen and Monica Grini, Rovaniemi Art Museum, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2009

Kontakt, curated by Sami Evinsalo, Kulttuurivoimala, Kemi, Finland, 2009

Ei kiitos taidetta, Ars Kärsämäki 2009, curated by Markku-Jussi Komulainen, Taidetalo Nahkuri, Kärsämäki, Finland, 2009

-35, curated by Esa Meltaus, Galleria Kellokas, Ylläs, Finland, 2009

Social Warming, Faces Etnofestival, curated by Katja Juhola, Faces Etnofestival, Pinjainen, Finland, 2008

Pohjoisenpuoleista – kuvataidetta lapista, kuratoinut Juhani Tuominen, Voipalaan taidekeskus, Finland, 2007

Keys to Neiden, Valo Gallery, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2006

Taidekoulujen tapaaminen, curated by Juhani Tuominen, Taidepanimo, Lahti, Finland, 2013

Helyjä, curated by Juha Knuuti, Rovaniemi Art Museum, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2001

New Potatoes, Barents Region Young Artists’ Exhibition, Rovaniemi Art Museum, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2001

Participation of community art and environmental art projects

ISEAS International Socially Engaged Art Symposium, Äkäslompolo, 2020

ISEAS International Socially Engaged Art Symposium, Karjaa, Finland, 2019

Art Äkäslompolo, Äkäslompolo, Finland, 2017

Rantaraitti, Kuhmo, Finland, 2014       

ArtSwap, Project by the Artists Association of Lapland, Den Bosh, Holland, 2014

1re rencontre international de Land Art, Marguerite, Cannes, France, 2013

Wild Winter Festival, Mosjøen, Norway, 2012   

SilvrettAtelier, Silvrettasee, Austria, 2010

Pan-Barentz, Timo Jokelan kanssa, Tromsø, Norway, 2009

Oranki Art, Pello, 2008, Finland

Border-Crossing Exercises III, Barents Spektakel, with Eric Mutel, Kirkenes, Norway, 2008

Trans Barents Highway, Murmansk-Haparanda, 2004

Exhibitions presenting art education and community art development

Barents Ideal Cities, with Timo Jokela and students, Napa Gallery, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2009

Progressive Art in North, with Mirja Hiltunen, Timo Jokela and students, Valo Gallery, Rovaniemi, Finland

Nuorten hyvinvoinnin Ankkurit, with Mirja Hiltunen, Valo Gallery, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2009

Wonder of Winter, Winter art education project, with Susanna Vuorjoki, Valo Gallery, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2004

Flow ympäristöperformanssi, Laura Lampisen kanssa, Kajo-galleria, Rovaniemi, 2001

Ounas – taidetta joella, with Laura Lampinen and Hanna Kinnunen, Kajo Galery, Rovaniemi, Finland, 1999

Curatorial work

Forest Talks to Us, Gallery Kellokas, 2021

Art II Biennale, with Ekaterina Sharova, Ii, Finland, 2020

Fringe, with Ásthildur Björg Jónsdóttir and Ekaterina Sharova, Gallery Valo, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2019

Art Äkäslompolo, with Satu Kalliokuusi, Navettagalleria, Kolari, Finland, 2017-18                     

Normplay, Aalto Arts Studios, Helsinki, Finland, 2018

Reflections. Art Practises in Arctic Art and Design Master´s Program, Hämärä, Kopio, Lyhty, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2018

Relate North 2017 – Art and Design for Education and Sustainablity, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2017

Timo Jokela 60 years, together with Mirja Hiltunen, University of Laplnad, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2016

Taidekasvatus muutoksessa, with Kalle Lampela and Leila Lipiäinen, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2015